
Jul 24, 2018

The Tidel Side Car: A Convenient Solution for Note Deposit Scalability

Cash Management Systems

Smart Safes

Large Amount of Cash in a Retail Store Representing Note Deposit Scalability
In the business world, time and money are well known commodities. For a retail organization, the time spent dealing with money can reach a level of importance over many other tasks. Reconciling till balances, dealing with internal theft, preparing deposits, and paying third party cash handling fees are all part of the regular duties of a retail store owner or manager. A proven solution that can simplify and optimize these functions has the potential to substantially transform the way the store manages its cash. One example of such a solution relates to a how a store’s cash is counted and securely deposited.

Smart Money Management

A Smart Safe offers several advantages to a retail organization. When placed near the store’s point of sale, smart safes enable store cashiers to deposit cash directly into the safe, where it remains secure until such time the cash is removed by an authorized store employee, or a contracted armored courier service. By placing the smart safe near the point of sale, till balances can be kept to a minimum, which serves as an effective theft deterrent, both from internal and external sources.

For retail organizations with a large estate, cash deposit needs will vary from store to store. This can be due to demographics, peak times such as holidays or back to school seasons, or differences in store sizes and layout. No matter the catalyst, cash flow fluctuations will happen, and stores need to be prepared to handle spikes in cash deposit requirements whenever they occur.

At Tidel, we offer three solutions that address this need: a smart safe that can accept extra-long cassettes, a secondary system – The Side Car – that connects with the smart safe to accept deposited notes, or a system that does both.

The Tidel Side Car Advantages

The Tidel Side Car, which connects with the Tidel Series 4e smart safe, enables retailers to scale their note validation and deposit capability in a convenient, easy to use system. When paired with the Series 4e, the Side Car adds two additional single or bulk note validators with support for standard or XL cassettes, enabling a combined note deposit volume of up to 9,000 deposited notes, with aggregate note deposit speed reaching 100 notes per minute. The Side Car also provides a manual vault drop below the acceptor vault, enabling manual drops of checks or money orders, or additional storage.

The Side Car’s footprint is identical to the Series 4e, so it can be conveniently placed adjacent to the Series 4e, right under the counter, at point of sale. A data cable connects the devices, and we offer data cables in varying sizes in the event the Side Car needs to be placed in a different location within the store.

For retailers requiring additional scale and speed to securely deposit notes throughout the day, the Side Car can be an effective solution. By offering multiple configuration options, note deposit speed can scale from 50 notes per minute to 100 per minute, and note deposit volume can go from 2,400 notes to 4,800 notes or from 4,500 notes to 9,000 notes. This level of cash deposit speed and scalability can translate to a measurable amount of time for managers and store employees, freeing them up to focus on building their business, all while realizing greater efficiencies and increased profits.

To learn more about the Side Car and its capabilities and functions, please visit www.tidel.com/products/smart-safes/series-4e/side-car/ or write to us at [email protected].


Cash Management

Smart Safes

Cash Recyclers



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