
Jun 24, 2019

Managing Cash Heavy Venues on Campus

Cash Management Systems

Cash Recyclers

Smart Safes

Infographic Explaining How Tidel Products Help Managing Cash Heavy Venues on Campus
Even on college campuses, where it seems like a debit card is swiped every five minutes, cash is still the most popular payment choice for in-store purchases less than $20. On any college campus, there are multiple points of sale where cash transactions occur. Bookstores, stadium concessions, ticket offices, and coffee shops all handle cash at any given time. Without an automated solution to handle this influx of cash, incidences of theft or loss, or misplaced or miscounted funds can pose a serious problem. Fortunately, Tidel’s superior line of cash recyclers and smart safes can help college campuses address these issues by automating cash handling processes while simultaneously enabling an environment based on greater security, transparency, and reduced risk. View the animated GIF below to see how.
Managing Cash on Campus


Cash Management

Smart Safes

Cash Recyclers



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